Class testimonial - Barbara


“The first class was slightly foreign and, as when you travel abroad, the experience is enhanced when you finally learn the language. I’m still learning it. The process has been both a revolutionizing and a healing one. Every class gives birth to new ideas, new possibilities of movement, of understanding one’s own body. Your range of motion begins to develop, your sense of focus and proprioception is heightened and one leaves class feeling exercised and cleansed. The Duncan technique fosters a wealth of experiences that are vital to any master seeking to master their craft.

Jennifer has a thorough understanding of this method, of the body’s anatomy and it’s behavior, in addition to an uncanny intuition that allows her to tailor all her classes to each and everyone one of its participant’s needs. She can provide modifications for her movements so that each individual is challenged while still feeling nurtured. Her classes are fun and dynamic, they are a source for fitness and they provide a very therapeutic catharsis that becomes indispensable with time, always staying faithful to the integrity of the Isadora Duncan philosophy of dance.”

Chicago, 2010

Barbara Gonzalez is the founder of Imagine Movement Solutions and a personal trainer in Palm Beach, Fl. She wrote this in 2010 when she was living in Chicago and taking Duncan Improvisation classes, a welcomed respite from the rigors of desk work in the hospitality field. Today her clientele consists of senior citizens looking to stay active and pain free. Thanks to the Duncan Improvisation Virtual class she can continue to experience the therapeutic catharsis of organic movement and beautiful imagery of the Duncan class which infuses her life and work every day.


In-person classes are back!