It’s never too late to start

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When deciding on whether to embark on a regular physical fitness practice, we might think that exercise is only for young, able-bodied individuals and that the activity will only be beneficial if done with vigorous intensity. Perhaps we only see movement and exercise as a way to loose weight.

According to a recent article from Time, the benefits of exercise far exceed weight loss. The author, Liz Seegert, writes:

“Exercise not only improves heart and lung health, but research shows that even modest physical activity is good for the brain, bones, muscles and mood. Numerous studies have found that lifelong exercise may keep people healthier for longer; delay the onset of 40 chronic conditions or diseases; stave off cognitive decline; reduce the risk of falls; alleviate depression, stress and anxiety; and may even help people live longer.”

Another interesting finding is that adding short bursts of activity throughout the day will result in physical and mental health improvements.

“There’s still a lot we don’t know about how exercise affects the aging process, but what we do know is this: moving your body regularly—five times per week, for at least 30 minutes daily—is better than moving less often. Exercise is cumulative; you don’t have to do it all at once. “

Most importantly that it’s never too late to begin! According to the article, studies have proven that nursing-home residents found improvements in their physical and cognitive abilities as well as on their mental health.

Somatics is a delicious way to incorporate integrated movement into your day, just a 30 minute session can get your cardio buzzing, your joints feeling juicy and provide you with an invigorating energy that will last throughout your day.

Check out the full article here


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